Retirement-Are You Ready



When people hear the word “Retirement” it can invoke pleasant thoughts for some—but for many it can be a word that may cause apprehension. You need answers to questions like:

How much investment risk should I take?

Will I have enough money to live my current lifestyle in retirement?

Do I have enough money to retire now -- or should I work a few more years?

By far the biggest concern is running out of money.

During your working years, the focus on money was mainly on “accumulation”. To accumulate more, you may have spent time trying to find the best investments—those paying the highest rate of returns or providing the greatest possibilities of appreciation.

Now that you are retired or moving towards retirement, all the rules change and you will be forced to learn a completely new set of rules to manage your circle of wealth. The lessons you learned during the accumulation of your assets will not serve you well during the “distribution and spending” of those same assets. Having someone to help you with the rules may make a huge difference in the level of retirement you enjoy.

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